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Sugar Font Editor Activity

Kids Make Fonts

My JS/HTML5 Mock-up is on GitHub


By Eli Heuer (GSoC Mentor)

The JS/HTML5 mock-up I’m working on is now live on GitHub here, screenshot of my GNOME/Fedora development workspace below:

Eli's JS Mockup WIP 001

I’ll be updating this until our next meeting on Friday, trying out different layouts and doing some basic interactivity/animation.

To run the mock-up, clone Sugarizer like so:

git clone

Then clone my mock-up into the Sugarizer activities folder:

cd ~/path/to/sugarizer/activities/

git clone

Update the file activities.json of the Sugarizer directory: add a new line for your activity. Update id, name and directory values on this new line:

{"id": "org.sugarlabs.EditFontsMockUpJS", "name": "Edit Fonts Mock Up JS", "version": 1, "directory": "activities/EditFontsMockUpJS.activity", "icon": "activity/activity-icon.svg", "favorite": true, "activityId": null},

To run Sugarizer on your PC (GNU Linux/Mac OS/Windows), close any running instances of Chrome and re-launch it using the command line:

chrome --allow-file-access-from-files index.html

In the below screenshot(GNU Nano on the right) I have set a bash alias so I just type xo from anywhere in the terminal to launch sugarizer:

alias xo="google-chrome --allow-file-access-from-files ~/gsoc/sugarizer/index.html"

Eli's bashrc setup