I checked a small Python script into pyGtkMock, it’s something I wrote while reviewing and experimenting with the work so far.
It just loops through all the .ufo files in a directory and replaces:
#load the font
path = "sample"
…which I was having trouble working with.
import os
from defcon import Font
# loop through all .UFO files in the same directory as this script
# print glyph count and glyph names
for ufo_input_filename in os.listdir('.'):
if not ufo_input_filename.endswith('.ufo'):
continue # skip non-ufo files
font = Font(ufo_input_filename)
print ''
print 'Processing -- ' + ufo_input_filename + '...'
print(ufo_input_filename + " has " + str(len(font)) + " glyphs");
for glyph in font: